

Simiyu Region is located North of Tanzania and South East of Lake Victoria it lies between Latitude 201” and 40 South of Equator and between 3303” and 3501” East of Greenwich. The Region is bordered by Manyara and Singida Region in the East, South by Shinyanga Region, West by Mwanza Region and North by Mara Region. Also Eastern Boundary and part of Northern Boundary lies the famous Serengeti and Ngorongoro National Parks.


Simiyu Region experiences moderate and salubrious temperatures averagely ranging from 180C to 310C annually. However, the Region enjoys also mono-modal rainfall which usually starts from October and ends in May. The rainfall season is divided into two peaks one starting in October and end in December and another starting from February to Mid May which is the longest season. In general rainfall pattern is unequal and unpredictable whereas average rainfall ranges from 600 mm to 900 mm.
The Topography of the region is characterized of flat, gently undulating plains and lowly sparsely vegetation and in some places covered with Miombo woodland. The Regional soils are dominated by heavy black soils (Mbuga) with area of red loamy and sandy soil.


The Region has three Agro – Ecological Zones.

1.3.1 Zone One

Covers Bariadi District, having undulating topography dominated by clay soil with light textured top soils. Rainfall ranges between 700 – 900 mm. The main economic activities include crop farming majoring maize, sorghum, cotton and cassava and livestock keeping.

1.3.2 Zone two

Covers Meatu District with gently undulating topography ridged in the East with fertile clay loamy soils. The zone experiences serious soil erosion, leading to reduced crop farming. Average rainfall is below 700m with erratic tendency also crop farming and livestock keeping are the major economic activities. Crops grown in this area includes sorghum, cotton and maize.
Covers Maswa District is characterized with ridged and undulating type of topography. Its soil texture consists of Sukuma land soil catena commonly known as ‘MBUGA’ black clay loamy soil which is suitable for paddy growing, other crops grown in this area includes maize, sorghum and cotton. The zone receives unreliable rainfall ranging between 700mm – 800mm per annum. The area is also famous for livestock keeping.
The Region has two drainage systems. The first is in Eastern part of the Region which drains its water through Sibiti River to an internal drainage basin and ends in Lake Eyasi which has no outlet. The second is in western part of the Region which drains its water through Simiyu River which flows to Lake Victoria.


The Region covers an area of 23,807.7 Square Kilometers and administratively it consist of 5 Districts which form 6 Local Government Authorities, 16 divisions, 109 wards, 475 villages and 17 Mitaa (in Bariadi Town Council).


Based on 2012 Population and Housing Census results, the population for Simiyu Region is 1,584,157 of which 824,266 are female and 759,891 male. The Region has a population growth rate of 2.8% per annum and an average household size of 6.9.
The main indigenous ethnic groups are Sukuma (Nyantuzu), Nyiramba, Nyaturu, Hadzabe (Tindiga), and Taturu. The Sukuma are found almost in all Districts, Nyaturu and Nyiramba are mostly found in Maswa and Meatu Districts, while Hadzabe(Tindiga) and Taturu are mostly found in Meatu District.


In monetary terms the Region is estimated to have GDP at current prices of Tshs. 1,959,401 million in 2010 contributing about 6.07 per cent of National GDP. The Region also has per capital income of Tsh 510,023 ranking it among middle income earners in the country.

Agriculture has continued to dominate the livelihood and economic performance of Simiyu Region. The sector contributes about 75 percent to the Regional economy and employs about 80 percent of the active population in the Region. The main cash crops grown are cotton, groundnuts and sunflower. While the main food crops are maize, sorghum, paddy, sweet potatoes, millet and cassava.

Simiyu Region covers a total area of 23,807.7 square kilometers, which is equal to 23,807,700 hectares. Arable land suitable for Agriculture is 11,479,100 hectares. Total area cultivated is 6,942,378 hectares which is 60% of the arable land.

Total Regional Land which is suitable for irrigation is 61,542 hectares and the Land which is being utilized according to 2011/12 data is only 14,766 hectares (23.99%). The land under irrigation is usually planted with paddy, maize and vegetables.

Livestock keeping is the second Major economic activity of the region. Simiyu Region has total number of 1,412,911 Cattle, 674,402 Goats, 254,746 Sheep, 1,501,146 Chicken, and 1, 723 pigs.

Regional Land which is suitable for livestock keeping and grazing is 843,485 hectares.

The total of Tshs. 96, 634,930,090/= was collected in three years (2009-2012) from sales of beef cattle, Goats and sheep as follows:-
  • Number of Beef cattle sold was 263,888 valued at Tshs. 90,032,252,288/=
  • Number of Goats sold was 155,122 valued at Tshs. 5,628,756,892/=
  • Number of Sheep sold was 155,122 valued at Tshs. 973,920,920/=

From 2009 up to 2011 a total of Tshs. 256,144,009/- was obtained from sale of Hide and skins as follows:-
  • Cattle -65,742 pieces worth Tshs. 137,400,780/-
  • Goats – 34,306 pieces worth Tshs. 75,438,894/-
  • Sheep -23,415 pieces worth  Tshs. 43,294,335/-

Since 2009 to 2011 a total of 21,145,384 litres of daily milk was produced and sold at a total of Tshs. 17,186,987,000/-

Regional Land covered by Forest amount to 365.15 sq km or 365,125.9 ha. These Forest include, Game control areas, Game Reserves, National parks, open area, Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), and forest reserves owned by Local Authorities and Villages. Nevertheless, Simiyu Region is also active in trees planting to increase vegetation cover and protect the environment. A total of 8,388,253 tree seedlings were raised during 2011/12 financial year.

Fishing in Simiyu Region is mainly done in Busega District on the shores of Lake Victoria, Lake Kitangiri in Meatu District, rivers and dam reservoirs. Apart from the Victoria lake shores in Busega District, fishing in other parts in the region is merely for domestic consumption. The common fresh water fish includes Nile perch, Tilapia, sardine to name a few. However, there are efforts of increasing fish production by breeding fingerlings mainly for Tilapia species at Zanzui dam in Maswa District. The produced fingerlings are used for stocking into dam reservoirs and ponds for domestic fish farming.

The Region has one game reserve namely Maswa which covers an area of 2,880 squares kilometre along the Serengeti National Park borders in Bariadi district and Makao Wildlife Management Area covering 1,330 sq. Km in Meatu district making a total area of 4,210 squares kilometre. The reserve hosts a wide variety of wildlife such as hippo, lion, zebra, buffalo, wild dog, bushbuck, impala, giraffe and baboon. Availability of such game reserves in Simiyu region already is attracting a fairly good number of tourists to enjoy the diversity of wildlife and plants. However, these tourists potential is hindered by inadequate clean and environmentally attractive camp sites and hotels, safari tour operators services offered in at a competitive price.

The investment in the Mining sector is growing moderately since it has been complemented by the Government policy of attracting investment into the sector. Nickel has been discovered at Dutwa in Bariadi District and salt is found at Lukole village in Meatu District. The mining of salt is performed locally by using traditional tools and extraction of nickel is still at infant stage and little is known about its actual potential.

The industrial development of Simiyu Region comprises of large, medium and small-scale industrial establishments scattered in the Region. The large scale and medium size industries comprises of oil mills and ginneries while small scale industries are dominated by flour milling, tailoring, carpentry, welding, garages, printing and rice processing industries.

The Region has a total of 2,595 licensed Business premises which include whole sale and retail shops, hotels and guest houses, restaurants, filling stations, groceries, stationeries and internet café, ginneries and oil mills, transport, agencies licenses and contracting licenses. The distribution of business licenses by district is as follows:-  
  • *Bariadi District – 1070
  • Maswa District - 1,450
  • Meatu District  - 85
  • Itilima District –
  • Busega District -

At present Simiyu Region has no insurance firm but only Agent of National Insurance Corporation (NIC).
The Region has one National Social Security Fund branch at Maswa Township.


There is no Regional Hospital or referral Hospital but the Region has three District Hospitals which are in Maswa, Meatu and Bariadi and one designated hospital owned by religion institution. There are a total of 14 health centres and 158 Dispensaries.

By January, 2013 the region had registered public and private Pre Primary Education schools 365 with total number of 37,518 pupils of which 19,067 are girls and 18,421 boys.

The Region has a total of 428 registered Primary Schools of which 424 are government and 4 private owned. The school has 327,239 pupils whereas 158,001 are boys and 169,238 are girls. A total of 31,005 students completed standard VII, and did their final Examination in September, 2013, whereas 14, 484 were Boys and 16,521 were Girls.

The Region has a total Number of 148 Secondary schools of which 139 are government owned and 9 private with a total Number of 45,909 Students whereas 20,376 were Boys and 13,222 were Girls.

The Region has 5 Government Vocational Training Centre, with a Total of 217 Students among them 124 are Boys and 93 are Girls, the Region has no VETA Centre.

Clean and safe water accessibility in the Region is estimated to cover 59% of the Regional population whereas in Rural Area it is estimated to be 55.2% and in urban areas is estimated to be 62.8%.

In East and North East of Simiyu Region, the region is bordered by Serengeti National Park, Ngorogoro Conservation Area, Maswa game reserve (2,200 square kilomitres) and Makao Wildlife Management Areas (WMA).

Kinds of tourism activities which can be done in the region include:-
-         Wildlife/Animal watching, Cultural tourism, Eco tourism, Leisure tourism, hunting tourism and Film tourism.

There are total of two Hunting blocks in the region one in Bariadi and another in Meatu and pleasant areas for camp sites.
The Region has in the Parts of Meatu District has two tribes which are earmarked for cultural tourism these tribes are Hadzabe and Taturu.


The Region has a total road length of 4,034.6 kms, which comprises of;
-         Trunk (Tan roads)  346.3 kms
-         Regional Roads (Tan roads) 503 kms
-         District Roads (LGA’S)1,025.5 kms
-         Feeder Roads (LGA’S) 2,159.8 kms

Most manufactured goods, medicines, raw food crops and cash crops are transported via road services.
The Region enjoys railway transport at Malampaka Railway Station, where goods can be transported to Mwanza and Dar-Es-Salaam.

Even though Northern part of the Region is bordered by Lake Victoria, the Region does not have access to Marine Transport.  Air transport and Marine transport services used are through Mwanza City.

The availability of Electricity Supplies in the Region is through National grid, with the exception of Itilima district headquarter. All the remaining Districts headquarters are connected with electricity from the National grid.
-         Maswa District services are available at Nyalikungu, Malampaka, Lalago, Sangamwalugesha, Njiapanda, Gula, Malita, Mwandete and Saysayu villages
-         Meatu District – Ng’oboko, Itinje, Minyanda, Isengwa, Lubija, Mwandoya, Mwamishali, Mhanuzi (Meatu Town).
-         Bariadi DIstrict – Bariadi Town, Dutwa, Nkololo, Mwamapalala, Luguru and Nyamalapa.
-         Busega District – Lamadi, Nyashimo, Kalemera, nasa etc

Simiyu Region is connected through mobile phone system (Airtel, Vodacom, Zantel and TTCL) and also through TTCL – Landline services. Coverage of communication services is progressively extending to cover the whole Region. The Region is also connected by optic fibre to ease communication.

Simiyu Region has one Radio station known as Sibuka FM, however TBC, ITV and RFA can be accessed in the Region, moreover town residents uses satellite dishes to obtain TV stations.


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